Sales and use tax obligations are a pain, and running afoul of your sales tax obligations can be expensive and disruptive. Keeping sales tax from costing you more heartache than it absolutely must requires preparation. This course describes how to develop a comprehensive sales tax plan for your company. The course starts with nexus analysis to help you decide where to collect, then on to the taxability of the things you sell to help you decide what to collect. We will discuss filing and remittance obligations, exemption certificate management and finally share some ideas on how to build a sales tax solution that will withstand the growing obligations of your company.
Learn about nexus and how to determine where your company must collect sales taxes
Learn about taxability of products and services, including bundling and drop shipping
Discuss the elements of a smooth running sales tax ship: filing, remitting, record keeping and consistency
Share some best practices for audit success and building room for growth in your sales tax solution
Mary Jo, NC
"As in every class the CPA Academy has held and I have attended, I have gone away with valuable information. Sales Tax and Nexus is tricky, this class helped clear several questions I had."Yi, MD
"Sales tax is an area that I don't deal with it a lot in public accounting, yet often business clients ask for advice. This webinar covered what I should know to help clients. Thank you!"Aida, NJ
"It's very interesting every thing about recording and pasting on your files Everything that is important, because time goes and you may No remember later"Shirin, IL
"Excellent webinar for overview of how to evaluate and how to proceed in current sales tax arena. It provided important new and refresher information."Linda, OH
"Definitely could not tell it was a first time webinar. Covered a lot of material in a relative short period of time. Well organized."Andrew, NC
"Great presentation. The speaker was very knowledgeable and he answered questions that I have not been able to answer myself."Larry, NC
"Shane did an outstanding job on a rather dey but critical subject. The best sales tax seminar I have ever attended."Lesia, OH
"I know VERY little about Sales tax UNTIL this webinar!! Extremely knowledgeable & helpful! THANK YOU :)"
Clark Nuber
Senior Manager
Shane is a Senior Manager in the State and Local Tax Department at Clark Nuber, P.S. in Bellevue Washington. Shane focuses on state and local indirect tax obligations for companies of all sizes operating across the United States and beyond. He collaborates with companies in developing scalable processes to support effective and dynamic indirect tax calculation and compliance, especially sales and use tax.