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Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.5 hours

Recorded DateSeptember 25, 2015
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaTaxes
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

Today’s tax department leaders face many challenges including implementing corporate tax policy, staying on top of technical issues, hiring and retaining personnel, managing the internal and external perception of the tax department, and funding the department in lean budget times. Balancing all of these priorities takes a great leader. But how do tax leaders know what the best practices are in all of these areas? And where should they focus their attention to get their department to a leadership role – internally as well as externally? The Sales Tax Institute addressed these issues by gathering feedback from leading companies regarding the administration of their tax functions using a survey sent to 1,243 companies throughout the United States.

This 90-minute webinar taught by Diane Yetter of the YETTER and the Sales Tax Institute will discuss the research results from the survey and best practices in management of a tax department.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the challenges facing leaders of tax departments.

  • Learn best practices for managing a tax department in areas including staffing, budgeting, communication and data management.

  • Obtain benchmarking data of other companies to help evaluate your department.

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Michael, OH

"Very interesting, informative, enlightening and helpful presentation! Looking forward to reading the supplemental article and survey results as well."
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Patricia, MD

"We all NEED this Webinar, the information presented is relevant to today's changing Sales Tax climate. We have to keep up"
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TerriLynn, PA

"Excellent presentation. It gave me a few topics to think about and research before making a presentation to management."
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Fausta, FL

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Jenny, NY

"It was great to hear about best practices."
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Ken, TX

"Very good information said by the people"
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Alejandra, CA

"it was productive and knowledgeable."
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Ragai, NJ

"Excellent presentation."
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Diane L. Yetter is a strategist, advisor, speaker and author in the field of sales and use tax. She is president and founder of YETTER, a sales tax consulting and tax technology firm. She is also the founder of The Sales Tax Institute, which offers live and online courses to educate business professionals about sales and use tax.

Diane works with clients of all sizes and in myriad industries to deliver sales tax services ranging from tax technology to tax policy and planning and training.  She also regularly partners with other advisors to help them serve their clients.  Prior to founding the company in 1996, Diane was a tax professional for Arthur Andersen, Quaker Oats and the Kansas Department of Revenue.

Diane is a member of many tax organizations and is frequently asked to present to industry groups concerning sales and use tax issues on a local, state and national level. As an author, Diane has published three books and numerous articles concerning sales and use tax issues. She also is the author of the US Sales Tax Chapter for the IBFD VAT Worldwide Research Database.  Diane was named one of Accounting Today’s Top 100 Most Influential People in Accounting for 2011, 2012 and 2017. Her twitter handle, @salestaxinst is one of Forbes Top 100 Tax Twitter Handles for 2018 and @yettertax is in the Accounting Top100 social media leaders.

Diane earned a BS in accounting and business administration from the University of Kansas in 1985 and an MS in taxation from DePaul University in 1994.  Diane serves on the KU Endowment Association’s Board of Trustees and serves as Past Chair of the Dean’s Board of Advisors, University of Kansas School of Business where she is also an adjunct professor, teaching topics on state and local taxation and entrepreneurship.

About Our Presenter

The Sales Tax Institute is a premier think tank that offers live and online courses to educate business professionals about sales and use tax that help them excel in their job performance. YETTER provides sales tax services including system analysis and strategy, transaction tax automation implementation assistance, training, transactional planning and general consulting to clients of all sizes in myriad industries.