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Handout Materials
Presentation Slides
Additional Materials
Engagement Agreement Sample
Mutual Commitments Worksheet
Mutual Commitments Agreement Sample
ID Your Why Worksheet - Blank
ID Your Why Worksheet - Example


Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.5 hours

Recorded DateOctober 2, 2014
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

No your clients aren’t dogs, they are you greatest asset. Left untended and untrained, however, they can become your biggest resentment and most challenging obstacle for you getting things done.

To serve your clients to their greatest benefit you need their help. When it comes to taxes and finances, you need to be the alpha dog in the relationship.

This course will discuss how to be that leader in the relationship with your clients so that you and your clients can thrive.

You’ll receive tangible methods for how to be in control without causing stress and tension and in fact, relieving it.

We believe the tax business is the best professional services business in the world. Running a profitable and exciting tax business doesn’t have to be hard. We hope you join us for this exciting webinar and put into practice what you learn!

Learning Objectives

  • How to define your role with clients

  • How to set personal/professional boundaries

  • How to create the frame work for “obedience”

  • How to get client relationships “right” from the start

  • How to teach an “old dog” new tricks!

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barbara, FL

"Please continue to provide all of us that are small offices this very valuable information. I am planning a major change this year. I can't go on one more year in being behind the eight ball and letting the clients run me. Thank you so much for giving me the tools I need to accomplish my goals. Ask the Lord to provide and He does. Barbara Macomber EA"
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Anna, NC

"This was a great class. I am very impressed with the subject matter and the worksheets that were provided. If one follows through with completing the tasks, I could see the potential for life changing effects!"
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Sara, IN

"Client Obedience Training deserves a good treat! This webinar gave us really meaty bones - insight into how we run our practices, concrete examples and worksheets we can implement in our practices."
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Christina, FL

"This course was highly informative and presented sensible solutions to what seems like a daunting problem in the realm of tax preparers."
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Mary, VA

"It was great! we all have these clients and training them to do the right thing is always a challenge - this course helped immensely!"
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June, SC

"great webinar. loved the way it was presented with a reference to training dogs. lol sometimes the obvious eludes us."
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Arlene, AL

"The webinar was very informative and the handouts would be used as a meet and communicate with customers in the future."
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Mary, PA

"this was very informative and something that we will use to get our systems in place and working properly -thank you!"
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Will is a huge Lakers fan and lover of technology.  He has spent the last 15 years helping 1,000's of Tax firm owners simplify their pricing and increase revenue so they can spend more time doing what they love. He is an approved instructor with the NATP and AICPA, and regularly hosts webinars and training.


Chris Basom is the founder of SmartCenter, a cloud software that helps tax professionals organize their practice and increase their revenue. Chris is also the Managing Partner of a Tax & Financial Planning Firm based in Southern California. With more than 30 years of experience as a tax professional, Chris knows first-hand, the dramatic changes that have taken place in the industry. Throughout his career, he has seen how emerging trends have affected tax businesses. Recognizing the power of technology, and excited by the opportunities it offered tax professionals, Chris developed the SmartCenter software to help to take advantage of emerging trends in the tax industry and better serve clients.

About Our Presenter

SmartCenter is a new cloud software to help you organize your tax practice and increase your revenue. The tax industry has changed, and your client’s are demanding more from you than ever. By using SmartCenter you can take back control over your practice. Manage client data better, provide additional services your clients want, and run your office like a modern tax pro, all from any computer by using SmartCenter.