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Presentation Length 1.0 hour

Recorded DateSeptember 3, 2014
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaTaxes
Course LevelBasic
Series: Taxes
Course Description

Urgent filing deadline for tax appeals: 9/15/14 in 11 California counties, 11/30/14 for all other counties.

No one wants to pay more tax than required by law. California Proposition 8 allows for a temporary reduction in property tax if the property value is less than the assessed value. However, in order to get a reduction, you need to file an Application for Changed Assessment with your county by the due date. Once the deadline passes, you lose your rights to appeal the assessed value - that may cost the property owner thousands!

Learn the ins and outs of the commercial property tax appeal process and how to add value by helping your clients get significant property tax refunds.

Learning Objectives

  • Understanding the California Revenue & Taxation Code related to property tax

  • Why it is important to file appeal forms to protect your rights

  • How to identify properties that are most likely to be over assessed

  • Who can file and when

  • Understand how county appraisers work

  • Best practices for valuing commercial property, why professional assistance makes a big difference in the appeal outcome, and much more.

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Shelly, VA

"Great clear concise PowerPoint slides with helpful practical information on the commercial property tax appeals in California and the Proposition 8 reductions for a decline in value are temporary and only last for 1 year."
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Magdelane, CA

"Very informative webinar."
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Bill is partner in the San Jose firm Shannon & Snyder, founded in 1994. After more than 25 years in public practice, Bill recognized the need to assist his clients with property tax reduction strategies during the real estate downturn. Now, with hundreds of resolved property tax appeals, and millions in reductions in assessed values, he is an expert in the field.

About Our Presenter

Our mission is to help clients maintain financial viability in the present, while taking a proactive approach to achieve future goals. This requires open communication to reach an understanding of our clients’ needs through research and sound analysis. Shannon & Snyder is dedicated to meeting these goals with high standards of excellence and professionalism. We have been a staple of San Jose’s business community for years, and pride ourselves on the level of esteem we have earned. Our dedication to hard work has earned the respect of the business and financial community in and around San Jose. We believe this to be a direct derivative of our talent and responsiveness to our client base. Whether you are a current or prospective client, rest assured that individuals and businesses who choose Shannon & Snyder receive competent and timely advice.