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Presentation Length 0.0 hours

Recorded DateJanuary 9, 2014
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaOther
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

We start by teaching the basics of Microsoft Excel. You are probably already familiar with Excel. You most likely understand how to do simple things, like sort, filter, sum, write simple formulas, subtotals, and the like. As you progress through the Excel course, we will re-emphasize what you already know and expand your knowledge by introducing concepts that you may not have explored yet, like PivotTables, advanced functions like VLOOKUP() and MATCH(), and writing complex formulas using a nested IF() function.

The ExcelCEO course is divided into three sections; Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced levels. The Beginning section teaches Excel basics (like spreadsheet navigation, using toolbars and simple formulas), formatting (font family, size, color, borders and custom formatting), sorting, subtotals, filtering, and printing.

The Intermediate section teaches how to write formulas, which we believe is the "lost art" of Excel. In that section, you will use functions in writing formulas (function types include text, financial, math, date, database, lookup and logical), handle errors in formulas, and prepare a discounted cash flow analysis and a proforma income statement.

The Advanced section begins with an in-depth study (two chapters) of PivotTables, then explores topics like graphs and trendlines, analysis tools (like Goal Seek and Solver), protecting and sharing workbooks, conditional formatting, working with the World Wide Web, macros and other advanced tools. The last chapter in the Advanced section is a comprehensive project where you will solve a complex budgeting issue. The final exam is based entirely on the completed project, so you are required to complete the last project to pass that chapter's final exam. If you do the project correctly, the last test will be the easiest one in the course. If you don't do it correctly, you will fail the final exam miserably. So it is imperative that you learn all the material taught in the course to complete the last exam.

Once you complete the entire Excel course, you will have a skillset that is unmatched in the marketplace today, GUARANTEED!

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Jim Cline

Owner and Developer
(713) 481-6515

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Our concept is that anyone can learn the easy things, but the people that have unique skill sets are the ones that will shine. To get such a unique skill set takes work - a lot of work and study. We're not going to tell you that this course is so easy that a six-year-old can do it. We've designed the courses that way to teach phenomenal skills, not just ordinary skills.

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