Growing a firm does not just mean acquiring new clients, firms must also retain current clients. Client turnover is often a result of a communication breakdown or another firm swooping in and taking the client. There are ways to prevent this from happening utilizing a CRM system. The same CRM that helps you to retain clients can help you to attract more happy clients. On this webinar, we will discuss how firms can grow their client base by not only acquiring new clients but by increasing wallet share and reducing turnover utilizing ResultsCRM.
Learning Objectives:
"Yes. I really enjoy the actually walked you through the program to see if it's a good fit for you and your firm."
Out Of The Box Technology
Senior Product Marketing Manager
(858) 768-5650
Lindsay Conderman is a Product Marketing Manager for AbacusNext, focused on products that help accounting and tax firms run and grow their practices. Lindsay has been working with accounting and tax professionals, both public accounting firms as well as professional service firms serving the accounting profession, since 2009. Her expertise includes growing accounting firms through new client acquisition and expanding services to existing clients through strategic marketing initiatives.