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Kostelanetz sensitiveirsaudit


Cost Free
Presentation Length 1.5 hours

Recorded DateApril 24, 2018
CPE:Not available
(archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)
Subject AreaTaxes
Course LevelBasic
Course Description

Navigating the Internal Revenue Service audit process is already a difficult task. Handling sensitive audits that are likely to uncover significant income underreporting and deficiencies add to these challenges. This session will cover strategies for minimizing the risk of such audits and guidance on how to determine when an audit may be turning into a criminal investigation, including the questions to ask and the signs to look out for. Issues of privilege and the right to assert a taxpayer’s 5th Amendment rights will also be discussed.

Learning Objectives

  • How to recognize a sensitive audit

  • The questions you should be asking the auditor and your client.

  • Tips for recognizing when an IRS Examiner has referred your client for criminal investigation.

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Margaret Crawford (Margaret Crawford, CPA, EA)

"This webinar was one of the best I have attended. I would love to hear other webinars given by this speaker. I have handle audits and had little trouble, but this gentleman presented the subject in such a masterly manner. . I believe the subject and presentation will help many preparers to handle audits in a more efficient manner. I wish that there were more preparers to speak as clearly and informatively. Thank you!"

Tom Marino (Kawahara + Hu, LLC)

"This may very well be the most useful and informative webinar that I have attended. The instructor was brilliant and had an incredible grasp of the material, as well as the ability to convey the most useful knowledge to the attendees. Please bring Mr. Sardar back for future webinars!"

Steve Chordas (SAFE HARBOUR TAX)

"Every practitioner that takes care of taxpayer audits should take this course. Michael is very good at explaining the ins and out that "MAY" be faced in these situations. Knowing what to look for and what to do next is very important for you and the client."
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Vincent Gambino (Gambino Asso.)

"Great seminar with an interesting presenter. Clear information without getting too technical or buried in case law. Every tax preparer would benefit from this seminar. Keep em coming."
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Madeline Oliver (Madeline B. Oliver Enrolled Agent)

"Another outstanding webinar from Mr. Sardar! He blends technical information with practical know-how seamlessly and with utter clarity."
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Thomas Padgett (Perthro Enterprises LLC)

"Mr. Sardar explained a few facts about the audit procedures that I didn't know and that made the time spent well worthwhile."
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Nicole Lukasik (Walsh Accounting)

"The instructor gave so many great examples and really made me feel like I would be prepared for an IRS audit!"
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Bruce Baltrusitis (Tecnotax)

"Michael Sadar is thorough in this Webinar and would hire him should the need arise for my clients"
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Michael Sardar has extensive experience in a wide range of tax controversy and white-collar criminal defense matters. Mr. Sardar represents clients in all stages of civil and criminal tax controversies before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), state tax authorities, the Department of Justice, and local prosecutors.

About Our Presenter

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Kostelanetz, LLP enjoys an unparalleled national reputation for representing clients in sensitive and high-stakes negotiations and controversies with government agencies, including tax audits and trials, regulatory investigations, white-collar criminal defense, and complex litigation. Our attorneys are dedicated to providing the finest legal services in all phases of representation, from factual development, through an audit or investigation, to trial or negotiated resolution. We also have an active practice providing tax planning advice, estate planning, and representation in government procurement and government contracting.